Foods to Include in MIND Diet that Prevents Alzheimer’s!

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Alzheimer’s is the main cause of disability in older people. The MIND diet is a type of diet that, according to science, helps greatly reduce the chances of suffering from this disease. Alzheimer’s is one of the hardest degenerative diseases that a person can face, but there are ways to prevent it and one of them is through food. In this article, you learn about the MIND diet and how it could help prevent this disease.

What you Should Know About the MIND Diet

Specifically, this mode of prevention would be carried out through the MIND diet. It is known because its name responds to its acronym in English, Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neuro degenerative Delay. It is a diet that has been made by scientists at the Medical Center of the University of Rush with the aim of preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s. To determine this diet, the scientists collected information they already had about other diets that elderly people who had this disease or who had a genetic predisposition to it. For this they checked the diets that those older than 65 years old followed with the probabilities they had of suffering from Alzheimer’s. Well, the results of this study were more than resounding. And they came to the conclusion that those people who followed this diet rigorously managed to reduce up to 53% the chances of suffering from the disease. For their part, those who followed this diet could occasionally see how the probability of suffering from this disease was reduced by 35%.

It was also found that the sooner these food habits are implemented, the more benefits the patient can experience and the less likely they are to suffer the cellular degeneration that occurs when Alzheimer’s is suffered. It is a diet that is not too hard to follow. It is composed of 15 components belonging to 10 food groups. Among them we find nuts, vegetables, grains, natural oils present in fish , white meat and wine. On the opposite side, we see that you should reduce the consumption of junk food, red meat, refined sugar and butter.

MIND Diet What Should be Consumed Daily

With regard to the consumption of weekly food that should be made, I would highlight a serving of beans and vegetables, two portions of red fruits. They are recommended, especially, blueberries, a serving of white meat poultry and a serving of white fish and salmon.

MIND Diet and Weekly Food Consumption:

  • Three portions of grains.
  • A serving of salad with green leafy vegetables, with chard, spinach, lettuce and arugula
  • A fruit
  • A handful of nuts. In particular peanuts, walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts
  • Half a glass of red wine

Consume in Moderation

The products that MIND diet is advised to consume in moderation are butter or butter and no more than half a spoon daily. Nor should you abuse fatty cheeses, junk food or products with refined sugars.

The Western Diet and Alzheimer’s

But this is not the only sample that exists that diet and Alzheimer’s are quite related. The diet is directly linked to this disease, according to research published by Scientific Reports Nature and conducted by researchers at Tufts University in Boston. During their research, they fed mice with a large amount of animal products high in fat and sugar. So they could see that by exposing them in a prolonged way to this type of feeding what happened is that the immune response of the brains of the mice decreased. This diet is based on an exaggerated consumption of fried foods, refined sugars, white flours and processed foods. All this causes an imbalance in our immune system because our body really does is to reject these foods and inflame it. And all this leads to diseases of various kinds among which is Alzheimer’s.

They could also verify that the activity of the microglia increased, that is to say, of the cells of the nervous system that are inside the immune system of the central Nervous System. And there are several studies that have pointed out that this type of inflammation increases the risk of Alzheimer’s. So you know, you have one more reason to take care of your diet and bet on healthy eating like the MIND diet proposes.